Saturday, August 27, 2022

Welcome to the class blog! (Journal #1 example)

Welcome to the EME2040 class blog!

My name is Daeun. I'm a doctoral cadidate in the Instructional Systems and Learning Technologies program at FSU. I was grown up in South Korea and got my education there, too. I went to college in Seoul, the capital city of Korea, but up until then, I had received my K-12 education in a small town located on the west coast of Korea. My current goal as a researcher is to use appropriate technology to address educational inequity issues. My dissertation topic is how first-generation students use social media to learn about college.

I've experienced a variety of technologies in educational settings. One of the instructors that I had in my master's program utilized Socrative for students to throw questions during the lecture (yes, the story I shared during the class! :)). The questions posted by the students would show up on the screen that every student can see and meanwhile, the instructor would address them. In another class, I collaborated with my classmates to develop a Wiki page about a certain topic through Google Docs. At FSU, I've utilized Flipgrid to record my introduction video, Voicethread to present my assignment, and blog posts to reflect on course content. I found the majority of the technologies to be effective for my learning. I hope that through this course you can become more familiar with various technologies and come up with your own ideas to apply in your classroom.

As for my PLN, as a doctoral student, I follow #phdchat on Instagram to learn about other grad students' productivity tips and stress management strategies, and just to see how other grad students are doing. I also subscribe to a few channels run by PhD students on YouTube. On Reddit, I visit r/PhD to mostly just lurk and see the conversation and q&a occurring among PhD students. I'm in several Slack channels for my research groups, where I interact asynchronously with colleagues. I also "meet" my colleagues online and in person for study group meetings. I also use Zoom every morning for a writing group with my friends who are also doing their PhD in Georgia and Korea. My PLN has helped me adjust to graduate school life and encouraged me to continue on this path.

Millennials and Gen Z

Hi class! I've done some research on the definitions for Millennials and Gen Z and found this article published by Pew Research Center: ...